Monday, June 3, 2013

Parking Wars!

After running my route this evening, I was pulling back into the BFWC parking lot to drop off the van and I noticed a man asleep inside a parked car. As I was parking, a man walked up to the van almost kind of dazed. I got out, reached to shake his hand and asked if everything was all right.

The man, said "Hello, my name is Gary. I just moved here from out of state, and recently started a new jo...b. I have no family in Indiana, so rather than pay for a motel, I have decided to live out of my truck for a few weeks, until I have the funds to get an apartment. Do you mind if I sleep out here in your parking lot?" I told him, feel free, for as long as you need.

He then went on to say, he had been sleeping in another church parking lot, but was eventually asked to leave, so he came to ours! He stated he was actually drawn to our parking lot, and that he sensed a peaceful atmosphere. He said, he was glad I pulled up and had taken the time to speak with him. Then I began to ask him how he was doing, if he was enjoying life, did he know the Lord, and did he need prayer for anything.
He then pointed to a cross on his arm, and said, "yeah, I go to church." That is not what I wanted to know. I then shared with him what God has done in my life, and just where He has brought me from.
Then I asked him an even harder question. I said, "Gary, I've told you what God has done in my life. Can you honestly say in your heart 100%, that you have fully surrendered your life to Christ, and that God has and is completely changing you from the inside out?"
He said, "no."So, just that quick, I asked him to repeat after me, we prayed and right then he surrendered his life to Christ!

 Give God glory!

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