Thursday, June 6, 2013

Random Posts

Wait on God. Many say this as if the purpose can only be attained in the ending. Sometimes there is more purpose throughout the time of preparation than in the end. Yes, we need to wait on God, and He will bring to pass what He promised (Phil 1:6). But, don't discount the purpose of the preparation.
There is purpose through it all! Everything you're experiencing right now, God will use to your good (Rom 8:28).
Through the preparation, comes a restoration!
God loves you and He wants the best for you! Look at where you are now compared to the way you were a year ago and tell me God hasn't done a miracle in your life. You might not be where you want to be, but you sure aren't where you used to be. Stop comparing your walk with Christ with everyone else's. What is good for the other guy, is not always good for you.
 It hurts me to see, many who are full... of potential, but short on drive. You got to be in it for the long haul, or you will get burnt out on the 1st lap. Learn to pace yourself allowing God's grace into your life to help you overcome life's pit stops.
These are just personal revelations God gives me during my personal time with Him.My Pastor has taught me if it's a word from God, it's meant for anyone to reach out and take hold of, so enjoy!
Be whole hearted in all you do. You are a man or woman of God! Whether you're loading bags, scrubbing toilets, or shoveling manure, do with all your heart and God will bless you with something better. God's got you where you are for a reason.
This is just a season!
You are going through a testing of your faith. God wants to know what He can trust you with and gives you the free will to make the ...decisions. Keep doing what you know is right, let God lead you, and you will go far. I am speaking for myself right now, too!
Sometimes things will seem like a "stand still" that's kind of how I know when I am being tested. God just wants me to "stand" and do what I know is right. Be faithful with a little and he will make you ruler over much. Don't give up! Allow your faith to be stretched a little. Are faith has muscles, too. And they need to be, fed, built up, and stretched. You don't want your faith muscle to atrophy, do you?




Love is like show and tell. Yeah, you say you love me, but do your actions show it? Yeah, your actions say you love me, but you need to tell me, too.
 If you care for someone let them know. Actions do speak louder than words, but words are good too.
 What you say flows from what is in your heart. Luke 6:45
 If your married, don't let a day go by that you don't tell your wife or husband you love them. I'm not married, but I'm learning for when I am.
 Children, let your parents know you love them often. Parents, tell your children you love them often. I'm speaking all over myself! A proper expression of love provides affirmation, and affirmation offers growth!'

He yet speaks

While you're busy having a pity party, those God appointed you to reach, could slip right on by.
Be ready in season and out of season--no matter the weather of your circumstance!

The day may come when you are dealing with the most awful hurt ever, and God has you to lead someone to the Lord. However, when you are obedient in that time, wondering how you could speak life and encouragement when you're feelin like you are half dead, God will cause that river of life to flow up out of you. I know it's happened to me many times!
All you have to do is be willing to allow the Holy Spirit to lead you to do whatever, whenever, wherever, and with whoever!

Sometimes, God will pull us out of the pit were in by a word He used us to deliver!  Just think though. If you were refuse and not speak to that person you might miss your word and be left in that pit!
It's like this. Have you ever heard the phrase, "love ehm through their mess"? Sometimes, "you gotta love ehm through your mess!"

Right Place At The Right Time! ("the ministry of presence")

This was something that happened to me a few months ago. I actually posted this story on Facebook, but I know many people I know don't have Facebook. So, here ya go!

Ran into Granny from the Beverly Hillbillies tonight. She had ran her Town Car off the road. Thank God I spotted her car in the ditch and that she was unharmed. I called the police then waited for them to arrive. Fortunately we were able to... get her car backed out, but she seemed so upset & confused. She really had no idea where she was at. The officer decided to find her a ride home rather than let her drive. So, I kept her company till they could get ahold of her family to pick her up. Sometimes, the best thing possible is "the ministry of presence"!
All in all my date with 92 year old Granny wasn't too bad ha-ha-ha, and became something I could write about too.
Thank you, Lord for allowing me to be in the right place at the right time. Not always convenient, but I wouldn't have it any other way!

Monday, June 3, 2013

Parking Wars!

After running my route this evening, I was pulling back into the BFWC parking lot to drop off the van and I noticed a man asleep inside a parked car. As I was parking, a man walked up to the van almost kind of dazed. I got out, reached to shake his hand and asked if everything was all right.

The man, said "Hello, my name is Gary. I just moved here from out of state, and recently started a new jo...b. I have no family in Indiana, so rather than pay for a motel, I have decided to live out of my truck for a few weeks, until I have the funds to get an apartment. Do you mind if I sleep out here in your parking lot?" I told him, feel free, for as long as you need.

He then went on to say, he had been sleeping in another church parking lot, but was eventually asked to leave, so he came to ours! He stated he was actually drawn to our parking lot, and that he sensed a peaceful atmosphere. He said, he was glad I pulled up and had taken the time to speak with him. Then I began to ask him how he was doing, if he was enjoying life, did he know the Lord, and did he need prayer for anything.
He then pointed to a cross on his arm, and said, "yeah, I go to church." That is not what I wanted to know. I then shared with him what God has done in my life, and just where He has brought me from.
Then I asked him an even harder question. I said, "Gary, I've told you what God has done in my life. Can you honestly say in your heart 100%, that you have fully surrendered your life to Christ, and that God has and is completely changing you from the inside out?"
He said, "no."So, just that quick, I asked him to repeat after me, we prayed and right then he surrendered his life to Christ!

 Give God glory!