Sunday, May 13, 2012

My Personal Mission Statement

I believe in walking by faith in love, honestly, patiently, and humbly doing so in all diligence.  I will love and seek the Lord with all that is within me.  I am building my foundation upon the Rock of Jesus Christ.  Without Him I would fall.  I will love my neighbor as myself overlooking his or her flaws because He first loved me.  I will forgive.  I will pray always my setting my hope on the Lord looking not at things of this earth, but things above.  Walking by faith not by sight of this natural realm, putting no confidence in the flesh, not letting my good be evil spoken of, and giving no place to the devil.   

It is not good for a man to be alone, so as Christ is married to church, so one day will I be a man of one wife.  I will care for those of my own house hold first. In that day will I train up my children in the way they should go, while lovingly refusing to spare the rod.  I will live transparently, walk uprightly allowing the Word of God to live inside me, and The Holy Spirit to have His way with me, that my life may be as an open book for all men to read, and see Jesus.